Wednesday 12 April 2017

Fish in a Tree

In chapter 5 of Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, Ally's father and grandfather used to ask her if she was having a "silver dollar" or a "wooden nickel" day.  Think of your own "silver dollar" or "wooden nickel" day and write about it.


  1. My "silver dollar" was when I was at my house and I was riding on my 4 wheeler, and I was riding with someone and they let me go on by myself. Then I was so glad that I was able to ride by myself, and it was the greatest day of my life.

  2. My silver nickel day was when I won my hockey 3 on 3 hockey team won the championship and I scored lots of goals.We never lost one game and done game they did not even get one shot on us.

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  5. My wooden nickle day is today when I feel like public Picasso, not knowing what to paint,
    except I don’t know to wright.
    Days and days go by until I next try to type.
    Thoe that may be an exaggeration
    so is this day
    tired I am in the morning and old I feel in the day.

    1. My silver dollar day is when my house league team won the championship in both island and the Soo Peewee Hockey League. This was my silver dollar day because my teams effort paid off and got the Manitowaning wolves the title of best hockey league.

  6. My wooden nickel day was when I got a ripped muscle and when i got home I could not do any sports and i was so mad because I always play sports and I could not even run or jump.
    Even though I just started running by 2k run and I was going to have a run that day but my mom didn't let me.
    I went to the hospital and they said you can't run,jump stretch,or play sports for 2 weeks and my 3on3 tournament was coming up also their was panthers tryouts my mom would not even let me play video games. Their was nothing I could do but help on the farm but that was not too bad.Right now I have my tournament and I can only play some games.But I can cheer on my team and.My team is the t -birds.My parents don't know if i can play for panthers but I really want to and panthers play hockey all over sudbury.

    1. I feel bad for you Brodie. You can't do any sports for 2 weeks, wow. I would not like that either. But I guess helping on the farm is alright. I bet ripping a muscle would hurt alot.

  7. My wooden nickel day was when My cousin died. My four year old cousin died in her sleep. When My Aunt put my cousin to sleep at 11:30pm My aunt checked to make sure she was okay before my aunt went to bed and my cousin was fine because she was breathing but she was breathing hard and snoring. When My aunt got up at 2:00am to go make my baby cousin a bottle she checked on my other cousin that was sleeping and She her face was blue. My aunt panicked and cried and called 911. My aunt realized that my cousin was gasping for air when My aunt checked on her and thought that she was breathing but was gasping for air.My four year old cousin cherish that died,had died because she had a lung failure out of no where.

  8. My silver dollar day would have to be when I got an Xbox on Christmas one year. When I woke up the day of Christmas I had asked my mom if I could open my presents right away but she said that I have to wait for an hour. When the hour that felt like forever finally pasted I ripped open a present and I was so surprised that almost screamed and the present that I opened was an Xbox.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This is really good but maybe you should Go over it again because there's some parts in it that don't make sense. Good job overall


    One morning my niece was still sleeping and both of my parents where in the barn, I had just completed build a Lego train the other day and I couldn't wait for my niece to wake up so we could play with it. My niece finally woke up.

    All of a sudden my Mom came running into the house and was bursting in tears, I asked what was wrong but she was to sad to speak. Me and my niece were wondering what had happened; we were stunned, we couldn't think of anything that could be so bad. We kept on asking my mom “What had happened?” but still no answer.

    Finally when my mom was calm enough to speak see told us that something bad had happened, Shy had died. Shy is my dog. The instant me and my niece heard this we started to cry a lot.

    That was my wooden nickel day.

  10. This is my "wooden nickel day" was when I was fishing at blue jay creek,and I was so bored. I was sitting there and I started reeling in and I had fish on it, then it unhooked it self and I lost it.

    1. use more detail and explain more on what happen

  11. It was one month ago when i had a wooden nickel day. I had a wooden nickel day because that is the day i hert my ankle.My ankle has been bothering me a lot.That is my wooden nickle day.

    1. It is good, my tips are capitalize I and show more detail like how did you hurt your ankle or what did you do when you hurt it such as go to the doctor or not do anything so really just show more detail but otherwise it is good. Also in the beginning of your second sentence you should put a space behind the period so instead of ...ankle.My ankle, it would be like ....ankle. My ankle with the space there.

  12. My wooden dollar day is when I was making a smoothie with my sister and it was a really good smoothie so i was poring it into my sisters cup and I thought the lid was on really tight but it wasn't so it spilet all over the floor and on my sisters sweater that my grama made her so I was scared because I thought it would make her sweater stink because the milk then i cleaned it up before my dad came bake

    1. Jocelyn- Good job! I think that is a very good example of a wooden dollar day. How did you clean it off of her sweater? Was your sister upset? I think you could try and spellcheck. Also, try and use capitals and periods more frequently.

  13. my silver dollar day is when my parents went to sudbury and got my a dog for my birthday, it was a golden retriever.

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    2. It shouldn't be got my a dog it should be got me a dog

  14. A silver dollar day I have had was the day in March break where I got my mom all to myself. Being in a big family means you pretty much never get to see anyone without an other person.

    My mom had prepared for us to go and pick up Cassie in Toronto on Thursday. We were to leave early in the morning at like 4 and get to the Sue Sault Marie ski hill at 10:00. My mom was going to her appointment on Wednesday and she told me to pack early. Also to pack extra clothes if I get sweaty after skiing. I asked why and she said that we were going out to my Aunt Jill's after she got home. I packed as she said.

    When she got home, she downloaded some movies for the ride over. Then she called me downstairs. She said, "Let's just go."

    "Oh to Aunt Jill's?" I questioned.

    "No, let’s go. I booked a hotel at the ski hill, and the two of us will stay overnight there. In the morning we will go skiing."

    I first thought she was pulling my leg and then she started loading the car. I was so excited and I jumped into the car. My mom and I stopped at Harvey’s for dinner in Sudbury. My dad was ordering in line with us on the phone because he called right then! It was so funny.

    My mom was listening to an E book and then I was watching a movie. It was really fun and the time flew by. I told her about all of my favorite books.

    When we got to the hotel my mom and I watched Big Bang Theory and had some chips. Even though the pool was out of use it was so much fun. We laughed, joked, and talked until two. Then, we went to bed with high spirits.

    1. Your's is so good Jocelyn

    2. Good Job Jocelyn I don't think you to change something.

  15. My silver dollar was last year. it was at Christmas my grandma came up from from down south and we spend Christmas with her and are family .so we woke up on Christmas day
    we were going to wake her up but when we got to the room she
    just got out of her room so we were aloud to open up presents. and she opened up presents with us .

    1. you need (It). Grandpa. only one from and his not her. So. no period before and .

  16. I had a silver dollar day when my mom bought me an Ipod for Christmas. I was so excited when I went to bed and I was wondering what I would get for Christmas that morning. I couldn't go to sleep and my eyes were wide open. I finally fell asleep at like eleven o'clock. I dreamed about what I would get in the morning. In the morning I would usually just stay in bed and lay there for a bit when I woke up, but today I shot straight up and ran straight to my moms room. I was shaking her and I was so excited to see what my presents were that year. She finally got up and show me my presents. She picked up something from under her bed and she gave it to me. I ripped open the box to figure out that she had ordered me two books of my favorite series. The Last Apprentice. And she also got some PJ's. After she gave my sister her presents she got her jacket on and was gonna take my dog for a walk and we went to our rooms. Just as we were opening the door to our rooms she called us back. She said she wasn't done giving out presents. Out of her jacket she pulled out two Ipods. I was so excited the rest of the day I spent my time thanking my mom and setting up my Ipod.

    1. Jocelyn - Wow, ever lucky, I had to pay for my own iPod. You had very good detail, and it was interesting. The only thing I would suggest, is that maybe you could put it into better paragraph. Great Job!!!

    2. why did u say that u got an ipod for christmas then u were wondering what u got for christmas. that doesnt really make sense to me but maybe u could just go over it again and check for mistakes, but good job!

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  18. My silver dollar day would be when my sister coming home and surprising me at the mall and we all went shopping together.

    1. You got to add more on to it. Because it has to be a paragraph or more....... Add some detail in it.

  19. A silver dollar day was when my cousin came back from vimy ridge for his band trip me my sister my mom and dad when to visit him when he got back. When we got there he said he had gifts for everyone. He gave me and my sister a coin from vimy ridge. He also got my parents stuff and his mom stuff. He showed us the photos he got when he was there. He also showed us videos he told us about what they did and what they went to go see and saw. He told us about what he went to visit and all the places they saw. That was my silver dollar day!

  20. wooden nickel day was when I was home-schooled, I had to do barn chores, so I biked over to the barn to let out the Horses, goats, chickens and ducks. I gave them food and water, and I let the horses out in the field. I went home to do my work. At the end of the day I went to put the animals away, I put the chickens and ducks in the coop, and then I had to round up the horses and put them in their pens.

    The next morning, I went to do chores and I found my horse Babe Lying on the ground suffering. I instantly ran back home and told my parents, they came rushing over, I was crying. My mom and dad called the vet, when they got there they said I’m sorry to say this but, Babe is floundered. I ran home crying, the vet gave Babe Medicine to take away the pain. My Mom and Dad had to make a decision, we had to put down babe.

    I instantly knew it was the right thing for babe, I knew she would be safe and she will always be with me. So I finish letting out the animals. to remember babe we cut some of her hair and we made it into a bracelet. The vet gave babe the medicine to put her to sleep.

    she didn't want to go. but when she got the medicine While she was laying down, she ran as fast as she could, like she did when my papa Ron died, trying to keep up with him, slower and slower She ran. And then she Slowly fell asleep. We took her back into my field and Buried her beside my dad's horse Flash, and I never forgot about her.

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    2. Jocelyn - Good job, I feel so bad for you. How long ago was this? The only thing I would suggest is, put capitals on Babe's name. Also try and use capitals at the start of your sentences a little bit more.


  21. My silver dollar day was when I went to Atlantis Bahamas. My day started off when we got off of the cruise ship and we stepped onto the port of Bahamas . Right when we got off the ship there was a lot of people bugging us and saying tax taxi. People were touching us and grabbing us and it was really annoying. That part was not good we found a taxi and he drove us to Atlantis

    When we got to Atlantis we walked around the whole building and we saw some cool things like there was a huge chair and a water foutian with fake dolphins. Then we went to the ticket booth to get our writes band. It took a long time and a long walk to get to the the water park. On the walk we saw an aquarium with a lot of fish and sharks and other under water animals.

    Once we were at the water park my jaw drooped and I was so excited to go on all of the rides. The first ride I went on was a straight down drop. That was one of the scariest ride there was there and my little brother went on it three times but my mom got scared and did not go on. I think she did not go on because when you were done droping .

    After that there was a ride where you had to sit in a tube and there was like moving floor kind of thing. There was many other rides like that and one that drops. We also got to see dolphins. That was one of the best days

    1. at the end of the first paragraph you need a period or a comma. put more details in your story. next time you should try to make your story flow more.


  22. It was a beautiful Christmas the tree were glistening with snow and all the kids were laughing. It was fun. Me my brothers and my 2 cousins my grandpa my parents and my Aunt and uncle. We all were getting a little bored waiting for the food so we decided that we would play road hockey.

    Then tragedy stuck. I was running to the ball then my 16 year old cousin ran over too and I slipped on ice and hurt my leg. It really hurt so I went inside to sit down. I sat down and rolled my pants up AND SAW BLOOD RUSHING OUT OF MY LEG I panicked.

    Then I told my grandpa and he got me some paper towel to wipe it. I wanted to get my mom but she was outside. Then my dad went outside to tell her I was hurt. My mom rushed into see me and then everyone came in after my mom. My uncle said the cut was very deep and said they should take me to a merg.

    So my mom and dad decided to take me the the hospital I really hurt I told my mom. Then we got in the car and went to the merg. Once we arrived into the hospital we went inside and heard crying for a little girl. She had a thick bandage over her hand.

    While my mom talked to the lady at the front desk I asked my dad a few questions about stitches like did it hurt and stuff like that.
    I was getting very nervous. I had a feeling inside that I was going to be getting stitches.

    It was time to go in. So me Mom and Dad walked with me to the room. First the doctor looked at my cut. He said my cut was very deep. He decided I would need Stitches. I looked at my mom with a sad look.

    My doctor explained that in needed to keep my leg straight blah blah needle blah blah. He had to put the freezing in. IT HURT SO MUCH. Because what it is is a nelled being shoved all over in your cut. I had tears in my eye. My held my hand while the needle was in my leg. Then he started to put the stitches in. It did not hurt at all because of the freezing. He finished the stitches. I HAD 6 STITCHES!

    We finally left the hospital and arrived back to my grandpas house for dinner. My cousin felt very sad and he thought it was his fault. We finished supper and opened one present each.
    Then we went home. My dad helped me out of the van and I went and sat in my chair. My nee started to hurt because the freezing came out. Then it was time for bed. I climbed up stairs. IT IS SO DIFFICULT TO CLIMB STAIRS WITH STITCHES. Then I got into bed. The next morning I woke up and tried to run out of my room forgetting I have stitches because it christmas. Then we went down stairs and opened our presents. The Christmas was over.

    A few weeks later it was my next hockey game I could not play but I decided to go and Cheer my team on! Then a few days later I got my stitches out and I could play hockey again. I was so excited but the first time I was back on the ice I felt really weird.

    It was because I was so used to keeping my leg straight. Then it was time for school I started to get used to bending my leg then and then finally I was back to normal. That was my Wooden Nickel Day!

    1. WOW! this story was so interesting and i felt like i was actually there! i'm surprised i didn't faint! (i faint at the sight of lots of blood)but overall AMAZING story!

  23. My silver dollar day is When I got to go out for the day when most people had to stay on the Island. I got to go to espanola to go swimming. Also while we were there was a carnival about fortune tellers. On that day we also got to eat out at a restaurant . Then we had to leave back we got home late.

    1. Good job except for a few small writing errors like when the word when is capitalized in your first sentence. Capitalize Esponola. The third sentence should be "Also while we were there, there was a carnival about fortune tellers." Last sentence doesn't make sense.

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  25. Wooden Nickel day

    Last weekend we played in a 3 on 3 tournament in little current.Are name was Island Storm.We played No Y Chromosomes,. the Wiky Hawks, and the Manitoulin wolves.We beat all of the teams.In the finals we played the Wiky Hawks.We beat them in the game 3-2 but not in the shoot out.The score was 3-4 for the Wiky Hawks.

    1. I think that you need to fix are into our. You should also just put a space after the periods, Others than that I get it and its good

    2. Little Current needs a capital. Are should be Our not Are. Spaces in between periods. other than that good job!

  26. One day I came home from school and herd panicking. I went inside to see what was happening and I saw my mom crying. My cat was lying on an old matures meowing like crazy. I asked what was wrong and she said that my dad found him in the pine's meowing,so my dad piked him up and to bring him inside. We did not know what was wrong with him at first but my mom was looking on google for what was wrong with him. We called two vets but they said no to take Lucky in so we called one more and they said yes. So we went and they said we would have to put him down I was so sad. I was siting in the mane room when I hard his last meow. Than's my wooden nickel day.

    1. Alexis: Good Job Ayla, There is some spelling mistakes. Maybe next time check spelling before you post like herd,piked and mane. Maybe put a , after we would have to put him down, I was so sad.

    2. I think This is a pretty good wooden nickel day but You might wanna go over it again to find some spelling mistakes like "matures" which was probably supposed to be "mattress", Good Job.

    3. oh ya hehe

  27. My Silver dollar day!
    Well, to start off, it was summer vacation, which means no school= Always a Silver dollar day. Anyway's, I was on a camping trip with my family and my cousin, Jayden. We went to a campsite called KIllBear. We got a nice lot by the water. We started to set up camp and get everything ready. Me and Jayden had our own tent and my mom, dad and brother had the other one. My sister didn't come because she had a job beck at home. When everything was set up, we went for a nice swim at the beach. The wind was strong, but the water was warm. When we were on the air mattress, the wind blew the front end of the mattress up and blew it across the water like a sailboat. When we were done swimming, we went back up to the tents and blew up of air mattresses and made the beds. Their were trails behind our lot so we went of a bike ride on them. We came back to the lot for supper. Then I felt a drop on my nose. Then another one. Then the sky rumbled and it started to rain. The fire burned out and we put out food in the van. My mom said that we couldn't cook anything, so we went to pizza hut. Me and Jayden didn't mind the idea because we both liked pizza hut. When we got to pizza hut, I couldn't believe that my friend Ethan was there. We said hi them ate. It was good. Then we went to the campsite and went to sleep. What a good day.

  28. my silver dollar day is when i got my yugioh cards here's the story ... one week weekend i was playing with my brothers (jarb) son braiden who comes over every weekend we first play with lego and built a spacship.

    After that we looked all over i saw a strange bin i asked jarb what it was he said i could have any 1 thing in the box so i took the yugioh cards and that's how i got my yugioh cards.

    1. K so I don't really understand your silver dollar day because Its not really organized, And why is your brothers name jarb then u say "son braiden". In the second paragraph it doesn't really make sense, So myabe just go over it again.

    2. you need a capital on "one" and capital on "I" and need capitals on the names. You forgot these: " and a comma. When Jarb said that" I could have any one thing", sorry I don't get what you are writing down.

    3. Why is you brothers name jarb? and what do you mean by son braiden? There is one spelling mistake at the end like spacship. Maybe before posting look over it for spelling mistakes.


    It was my 9th Birthday and I was VERY tired. My parents had woke me up. It was 6:00 in the morning. My parents had woke me up cause they were taking me out for my birthday.
    I had to sneak out of the house cause my grandparents were sleeping and my siblings were playing video games. So I got dressed and I grabbed my shoes and I had a little fight cause my siblings heard me asking my parents where we were going.

    But I finally got out of the house and I asked my mom in the car. We were going to Toronto after my mom told me I fell fast asleep. when I woke up we were pulling into toronto and I was sooo happy. Then we had to take a subway to look for my grandpa B and once we got off the subway and we were walking out of the subway station we saw him.

    My grandpa B was in a hawaiian floral T-shirt and he was the only one wearing actuall bright colors. Everyone else was wearing black and grey that’s how we knew that it was him.
    We were going to go to the New aquarium but the line was so long that if we would have gone there then by the time we would have gone in there it would have been the NEXT day.

    We went to 10 cent island instead and I had had so much fun but I had really bad blisters on my feet because I was wearing high heels and my mom went to get me flip flops and I went on a ride called “THE LOG RIDE” I got splashed by water because it was a water ride and I did not like that because I was in my clothes. Then I went home and I had dinner and then I went to Bed.

    1. Did you stay in a hotel?
      Was you siblings mad that you went without them?
      When you got home was you siblings angry with you and your parents? Did you have fun
      Toronto should always be capital.
      Great job!
      Over all It was great and

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. My Silver dollar day was on a Wednesday of March break I was waiting for my 1100 dollar drone with its accessories to come in. It was made by a company called DJI and the model was the Phantom 3 4K. It was supposed to come on Friday so I figured I would do some research on it, so when I was at my Grandpa's I grabbed my Ipad and started researching.

    5 Minutes later…
    I get a text from my Dad, “Parcel is Here” I write back “My Drone” then he texts back and says “Yes” I tell my grandpa and he is surprised. I race into his truck. We drive down , we grab it and I’m crazy excited!

    When we get home….
    I go to the table and grabbed the scissors and unbox it! It is super cool. I didn't really know how to set it up but I manage to later that night, I finally get it charged and ready to fly. Me and my dad go out and fly it and it is so cool. I am really excited on how cool it is. It shoots 12 megapixel photos and 4k videos.

    1. what are the accessories.
      explain the 4k videos better and the photos.
      how high can it fly.

  32. When we think about our own day in our lives if we are happy and doing something we enjoy like playing video games or riding our bikes or going on a vacation we then could refer to having a silver dollar day. This would mean that we are having a great day enjoying the best things in life.

    When I struggle on my math work or am not feeling very well this to me would be an example of a wooden nickel day, I would be having a bad day and it would not be a good day.

  33. I agree on your post and I hope that you have more silver dollar days than wooden nickel days. I fully and defiantly agree with your post yuri.

  34. One of my silver dollar days was when my cousin came over for three days. The second day was the best. The only thing we really did was play video games.The only thing that I did not like that was that every hour or so, my Mom would kick both of us outside to have a walk. It was not as bad as I thought though, as we also talked while we had our walks. We had a great time!

    1. i fully egret with your post i have the same thing

  35. my silver dollar day was when my parents went to sudbery for my birthday and got me a dog and an iphone. i was soo exited, my brother set my i phone, and i had to train my dog it was a golden retriver, she kept on jummping all over the place and kept on sniffing stuff she chased cats all of the time. when i got home my phone was all set up i was really happy.


What problems do you want to solve?

Earlier this week I read the following quote: "Don't ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, but what problems they ...